Four PhD are in preparation and about eighteen have already been defended under my direction

phd in preparation

  • Rim Abdallah, “Secured traceability of hazardous materials transport management in smart ports by blockchain technologies”, PhD start: 03/2021, expected date of defense: 03/2024, co-supervised by Dr. Claude Duvallet (LITIS, Le Havre).
    Funding: CIFRE agreement with HAROPA, consortium of the ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris.

  • Lina El Houari, “Probabilistic graphical models for the integration of information in complex adaptive systems - application for risk management in cyber security”, PhD start: 12/2020, expected date of defense: 12/2023, co-directed by Pr. Alexandre Berred (LMAH, Le Havre), co-supervised by Dr. Rodolphe Charrier (LITIS, Le Havre).
    Funding: CIFRE agreement with the company Risk’n TIC.

  • Mongetro Goint, “Securing transactions in data platforms for the development of smart territories using Blockchain technologies”, PhD start: 11/2019, expected date of submission: 12/2022, co-supervised by Dr. Claude Duvallet (LITIS, Le Havre).
    Funding: allocation from the Communauté d’Agglomération du Havre (LHSM).

  • Camille Simon, “Securing distributed supply chains by Blockchain and smart contracts”, PhD start: 11/2018, expected defense date: 03/2022 (sick leave covid in 2020), co-supervised by Dr. Claude Duvallet (LITIS, Le Havre).
    Funding: allocation from the Communauté d’Agglomération du Havre (LHSM).

phd already defended

  • Iris Lucas, “Dynamics and control of an intelligent multi-agent system with application to an equity financial market”, PhD start: 05/2015, defended on 17/07/2018, co-supervision: Michel Cotsaftis (ECE, Paris)
    Financing: employed (permanent contract) at AVIVA Investors as an economic, financial and statistical researcher.
    Current position of the doctor: Head of Data Intelligence at the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

  • Nesrine Masmoudi, “Bio-inspired methods for graph clustering, applications to data mining and simulation distribution”, PhD start: 02/2012, defended on 06/01/2017, co-supervision: Prof. M. Ben Jamaa (Tunisia, co-supervision), co-supervised with Dr. H. Azzag and Dr. M. Lebbah (LIPN, Paris 13)
    Funding: assistant at the engineering school of Sfax
    Current situation of the doctor: Assistant Professor and Head of Computer Sciences Department at College of Business Administration, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia.

  • Haifa Rabai, “Dynamic network of coupled chaotic applications for the study of urban mobility”, PhD start: 10/2012, defended on 06/12/2016, co-supervision: R. Charrier (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: allocation d’établissement/MESR
    Current position of the doctor: Digital Booster Leader, Sanofi Pasteur.

  • Suhad Faisal, “Adaptive Modeling of Urban Dynamics with Mobile Phone Database”, PhD start: 04/2012, defended on 26/11/2016
    Funding: grant from Iraq as part of a doctoral training programme
    Current position of the doctor: Senior Lecturer at the University of Baghdad, Iraq.

  • Thibaut DĂ©mare, “A systemic approach based on agents and dynamic graphs to model the port-metropolis logistic interface”, PhD start: 10/2012, defended on 26/09/2016, co-supervision: L. LĂ©vèque (IDEES, Le Havre), A. Dutot (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: allocation from the Le Havre agglomeration community
    Current situation of the doctor: Lead Developer at Smartlight.

  • ClĂ©ment Duhart, “Toward Organic Ambient Intelligences? EMMA”, PhD started: 12/2012, defended on 21/06/2016.
    Funding: teacher at ECE, Paris
    Current situation of the doctor : post-doctoral fellow at the MIT Media Lab, USA ; Founder and manager of De Vinci Innovation Center, Courbevoie, France.

  • Mahdi Abed Salman Meslmawy, “Efficient resources management in a distributed computer system, modeled as a dynamical complex system”, PhD start: 11/2011, defended on 12 October 2015, co-supervision: Prof. Eric Sanlaville (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: grant from Iraq in the framework of a doctoral training programme
    Current position of the doctor: assistant professor at the University of Baghdad, Iraq.

  • Abdelhamid Zouhair, “Multi-agent dynamic case-based reasoning; application to an intelligent tutor system”, PhD start: 10/2009, defended on 20/10/2014, co-supervision: Prof. Benaissa Amami (Morocco, co-supervision), co-supervised with Dr. E.M. En-Naimi (Morocco), Dr. H. Boukachour and Dr. P. Person (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: civil servant at the Ministry of the City in Morocco
    Current position of the doctor: Assistant Professor at Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tétouan, Morocco.

  • Karim Mahboub, “Modelling emotional processes in decision making”, defended on 22/11/2011, co-supervision: Dr. E. ClĂ©ment (ICONES, Rouen) and Dr. VĂ©ronique Jay (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: regional doctoral allocation + ATER
    Current position of the doctor: project manager in an IT company in Dubai.

  • Michel Nabaa, “Modelling of population flows”, defended on 12/04/2011, duration: 54 months (44 months from the beginning of the CIFRE agreement), co-supervision: Prof. D. Olivier and Dr. A. Dutot (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: CIFRE with the community of Le Havre + ATER
    Current situation of the doctor: SSII project manager in Toulouse.

  • Beddine Ould Mohamed Lemine, “Modelling in game theory by genetic automata genetic automata”, defended on 08/06/2010, duration: 43 months, co-supervision: Dr. M. Arfi (LITIS, Le Havre) and Dr. C. Selmi (LITIS, Rouen)
    Funding: grant from Mauritania and Egide support
    Current situation of the doctor: Assistant Professor King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia.

  • Fahem Kebair, “Multi-agent modelling of command posts coordinating strategic strategic decision making. Application to the RoboCupRescue simulation system”, defended on 28/09/2009, duration: 48 months, co-supervision: Dr. F. Serin (LITIS, Le Havre)
    Funding: regional doctoral allocation + ATER
    Current situation of the doctor: Associate professor at the Higher Institute of Informatics of Tunis, Tunisia.

  • Rawan Ghnemat, “Complex systems modeling for geographic information systems”, defended on 22/06/2009, duration: 32 months, co-supervision: Prof. G.H.E. Duchamp (LIPN, Paris 13),
    Funding: BGF proposed by the French Embassy in Jordan
    Current position of the doctor: Associate Professor and Chairman of the Computer Science Department at PSUT University, Amman, Jordan.

  • LuaĂŻ Jaff, “Dynamic Data Structures for Complex Systems”, defended on 30/03/2007, co-supervision: Prof. G.H.E. Duchamp (LIPN, Paris 13),
    Funding: BGF proposed by the French Embassy in Irak.
    Current position of the doctor: IT consultant, Municipal Councillor of Sèvres, France

  • Guillaume PrĂ©vost, “ModĂ©lisation multi-niveaux d’écosystème aquatique par des approches mixtes”, defended on 02/12/2005, I was the daily supervisor of this PhD officialy directed by Prof. A. Cardon (LIH, Le Havre).
    Funding: regional doctoral allocation.
    Current position of the doctor: Technical Manager Big Data at Orange Applications for Business

  • Khalaf Khatatneh, “Operators for complex modeling”, defended on 12/07/2005, I was co-supervisor of this PhD directed by G.H.E. Duchamp (LIPN, Paris 13).
    Funding: allocation for Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan.
    Current position of the doctor: Associate Professor and Dean of the faculty of Communication and Information Technology at Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan.

  • Pierrick Tranouez, “Contribution to the modelling and computational consideration of multiple levels of description - Application to aquatic ecosystems”, defended on 25/03/2005, I was the daily supervisor of this PhD officialy directed by Prof. A. Cardon (LIH, Le Havre).
    Funding: regional doctoral allocation
    Current position of the doctor: Research Engineer at LITIS, Rouen, France.

  • Bernard Adouobo, “Numerical simulations of particle and particle-mesh methods on parallel machines”, defended on 30/09/1998, I was the daily supervisor of this PhD officialy directed by Prof. S. Huberson (LOMC, Le Havre).
    Funding: Côte d’Ivoire doctoral grant
    Current position of the doctor: Manager of ABTOO, Design office and simulation (static and dynamic) of road traffic.

Participation in PhD and HDR juries (2018-2021)

In addition to the PhD I have supervised myself and which are listed above, I have participated in a large number of PhD or HDR juries in France or abroad. I mention below (1) all the participations in HDR juries, (2) the only participations in PhD juries when I was either rapporteur or president of the jury, over the period 2018-2021:

  • Rapporteur of the PhD of Maroi Agrebi defended on 12/04/2018 at the Polytechnic University of Haut de France and the University of Sfax ;

  • President of the jury of Ebtissem Sassi’s PhD defended on 05/04/2019 at the University of Le Havre Normandie;

  • Rapporteur of the PhD of Mouna Rifi defended on 03/05/2019 at the University Sorbonne Paris CitĂ©;

  • Examiner of Olivier Bonin’s HDR defended on 27/05/2019 at the University of Besançon;

  • Rapporteur of the HDR of Hichem Oumrani defended on 24/06/2019 at the University of Technology of Compiègne;

  • President of the jury of Youssa Sidqi’s PhD defended on 22/10/2019 at the University of Grenoble Alpes;

  • Examiner of the HDR of Damienne Provitolo defended on 06/12/2019 at Sophia Antipolis;

  • Rapporteur of the PhD of Cheikhou Oumar Ka defended on 11/12/2019 at the University of Dakar in Senegal

  • Rapporteur of the PhD of Igor Tchappi Haman defended on 13/05/2020 at the technological university of Belfort MonbĂ©liard;

  • Rapporteur of the PhD of Audren Bouadjio-Boulic defended on 18/03/2021 at the University of Toulouse 1 Capitole.