research management
management of laboratories, institutes, international networks, research teams
President of the GIS “Institute for intelligent logistics in the Seine Valley”, since December 2020. The creation of this GIS follows a working group set up since 2017 by Prefect Philizot of the inter-ministerial mission of the Seine Valley, in order to structure and coordinate research in logistics in the Normandy and Ile de France regions.
Director of research at ISEL, an internal engineering school of the University of Le Havre Normandie, from April 2018 to December 2019. A specific effort is required to strengthen the visibility of academic and partnership research activities to prepare for the renewal of the CTI label, which recommends the need for a link with the SFLog federative structure that I direct.
Coordinator of “Pôle CTM”,one of the 5 strategic research and training clusters of the ComUE Normandie Université, the Land-Sea Continuum cluster, since March 2017. The purpose of this strategic cluster is to ensure the training-research-innovation continuum within a highly interdisciplinary scientific perimeter, anchored in an integrated approach to the Normandy territory and its specificities. Its mission is to manage the regional research support systems that Normandy offers, within the scope of its competences. It animates the ComUE by organising scientific days within its scope of influence, inviting all the academic and socio-professional players concerned in Normandy. He is responsible for monitoring and mobilising Normandy players in the context of the PIA calls for proposals in which he is competent to respond (success of the PIA3 TIGA 2017 “Smart Port City”, led by the CODAH).
Director of the federative structure in Logistics EDF 4230 SFLog, since May 2016. This federative structure currently brings together 10 research laboratories from 6 institutions: ULHN, EMN, ENSM, ESIGELEC, NEOMA BS, IDIT. I also manage the research part of the Pôle Ingénieur et Logistique (PIL) / Campus Logistique, which was inaugurated in October 2016 and consists of 4 technical platforms and halls.
Co-coordinator of the international UniTwin UNESCO network “CS-DC / Complex Systems Digital Campus”, led by the universities of Le Havre and Strasbourg (Pierre Collet is the co-coordinator), since 2014, when it was set up and recognised by UNESCO. This network brings together more than 120 universities and higher education institutions (signatories of a partnership agreement) in some twenty countries.
Co-founder and co-director of the ISCN (Institut des systèmes Complexes en Normandie) which, as the third node of the National Complex Systems Network (RNSC), has enjoyed national and international visibility since 2011. Amongst others, we note the organisation of CSSS2013, the 5th French international school on complex systems which was organised in Le Havre in July 2013, as well as the annual national meetings of the RNSC which were organised in Le Havre also in November 2015.
Co-leader of the “Complex systems” axis in the CNRS 3638 NormaSTIC federation, which brings together Normandy university researchers in ICST, from 2014 to 2018.
collective responsabilities
Vice President of PRES Normandie Université from January to November 2012
In January 2012, I was appointed Vice President of the PRES Normandie Université which had just been created by ministerial decree. At the time, there were three of us to steer this structure with the President Joël Alexandre from Rouen University and a Vice President, Carole Dornier from Caen University. It was a complex task to define the contours of this structure. In particular, we are organising the Normandy research conference, following the conference on teaching; the aim is to cross-reference the research structures and to show the possible synergies between the major areas of focus identified by the institutions. -
Vice Presidency Research and Valorisation of the University of Le Havre from May 2012 to April 2016
In April 2012, the new president of the University of Le Havre asked me to take on the vice presidency of research and development. This is a job that requires attention and listening to the research units of the University of Le Havre, a multidisciplinary university that is expected to position itself on some specific niches in comparison with the two other Norman universities. Among the many tasks that fall to this function in a budgetary situation that has become difficult as in all French universities, I have notably led the following operations:- The structuring of the SHS, which I had to support following the resumption of the file on the SHS cluster (PRSH), whose statutes had been rejected by the Administration Board before I took up my post. New statutes were drawn up in consultation with the community and were finally adopted by the Administration Board.
- The preparation of the research section of the CPER 2014-2020, requiring a specific positioning of our university within the framework of the structures proposed by the Region, particularly at the level of the “GRR- Grands Réseaux de Recherche”.
- The animation and promotion of research, which led in particular to the first major research day on 3 June 2015 to present all the activities of the laboratories, but also to a promotion day in Logistics in October 2015, which led the Prefect of the Seine Valley to set up a research commission in Logistics to draw up the project for a Logistics Institute in the Seine Valley.
- The preparation of the HCERES evaluation process which mobilised all the research actors of the University of Le Havre with support for the units in the preparation of the files and the implementation of a research policy in the framework of the new establishment contract.
- The positioning in the ComUE and the ISITE/PIA2 file for which it was necessary to defend and promote the research activities that could be included in this project.
- Support for linkages with major national organisation, which led to the INERIS labelling of the UMR SEBIO with the University of Champagne Ardenne and the labelling by the CNRS of federative structures in ICST and in Environmental Sciences.
- The development of two secretarial pools for laboratories to facilitate the management of their administration.
- The development of the DiRVED (research, development and doctoral studies department) to strengthen the research project set-up and monitoring centres.
scientific committee / editorial board /expertise
Guest Editor of the special issue “TS: Special Issue of the French Regional Conference on Complex Systems (FRCCS 2021)” of the international journal Applied Network Science, published by Springer.
Participation in the work of UN/CEFACS in Rome, October 4, 2017: day on Blockchain for the realization of a white paper.
Participation in the delegation of the Normandy Region within the framework of the development of a Task Force reinforcing the presence of Normandy at the European Commission: seminar “Axe Seine” from 20 to 21 June 2017 in Brussels; I represented the University of Le Havre Normandy in this delegation.
Participation in the writing of the national roadmap on complex systems, at the initiative of the RNSC and its regional institutes (ISCN, ISC-PIF, XSYS, IXXI), from 21 to 23 June 2017, in Châtenay-sur-Seine.