ERDF scientific project, 2015-2019, Normandie Region

The XTERM project (Complex Systems, Territorial Intelligence and Mobility) deals with the modelling of territorial systems and associated mobilities in the face of new societal and economic challenges. The territory is the support and the product of actors through a feedback loop that makes a system.
In this systemic approach, we consider that the multitude of individual behaviours (actors and/or agents), mobilities, intentions end up “making” the territory (at the scale of the city, the district, the region, etc.), without the final result necessarily corresponding to the choices, the representations or the intentions of certain actors. This approach therefore requires the integration of the organisational complexity existing within these systems. It also requires taking into account territorial and societal dynamics and developments.
Key words: complex networks, mobility, territorial competitiveness, morpho-dynamics, decision support systems.
XTERM proposes to bring elements of answers, rich in a structuring already established during the previous CPER, within the RISC project and the XTERM prefiguration year (GRR 2014 campaign) and which brought together a large number of actors. We go beyond a project vision to pose general problems on territorial structuring. We approach them through innovative methodologies inspired by the concepts of complex systems. The Normandy region benefits from the Institute of Complex Systems in Normandy (ISCN), a well-identified node of the national network on complex systems, in strong interaction with XTERM. Finally, in July 2015, XTERM was awarded the label of the Nov@log competitiveness cluster for its ability to fuel technological research and innovation.
Scientific coordinators : Patricia Sajous (IDEES, University of Le Havre Normandie) and Cyrille Bertelle (LITIS, University of Le Havre Normandie)
A consortium has been developed for this project. Since its launch, it has brought together 139 participants corresponding to 68 permanent staff, 35 external collaborators and 36 contractual staff (doctoral students, ATER, IGE or IGR) from 14 research organisations belonging to 8 institutions (Universities of Le Havre Normandie, Rouen Normandie and Caen Normandie, Insa of Rouen Normandie, IDIT, NEOMA- BS, CESI, ESIGELEC) : CETAPS (Rouen), CORIA (Rouen), CRITT TL (Le Havre), IDIT (Rouen), LITIS (Le Havre and Rouen), LMAH (Le Havre), LMI (Rouen), LMR (Rouen), LMRS (Rouen), MOBIS / NEOMA Business school (Rouen), IDEES-LTG (Rouen), IRSEEM / ESIGELEC (Rouen), IRISE / CISE
The overall grant obtained was 1.5 MEuros.
At the end of the project, this consortium produced a total of 151 articles in scientific journals, 179 conference papers and 34 other publications (books, coordination of special issues of journals, theses, etc.) on the subjects developed in this project.
It also gave rise to the international symposium XTerM2019 and the publication of a collective book with Springer
An activity report of 232 pages was produced at the end of the project and is available here