LaboCom SOGET-LITIS-SFLog on smart PCS/CCS

SmartLogilab is an initiative launched at the end of 2019 in order to set up a partnership laboratory between the company SOGET of Le Havre, one of the world leaders in port information systems, the LITIS laboratory, the SFLog federative structure and ISEL engineering school. The objective is to contribute to new developments to include AI and Blockchain technologies in port information systems (PCS/CCS), in particular to develop new generation data platforms.
It benefits in particular from the work of Mongetro Goint’s PhD funded by Le Havre agglomeration community: LHSM.
The scientific part is coordinated by Cyrille Bertelle and Claude Duvallet.
The expected deliverables are prospective studies as well as the development of prototypes and proofs of concept around AI and blockchains for port logistics.
Papers have been presented in international conferences: Blockchain’21 in Salamanca, Spain (October 2021) and ICoSCaL’21 in Le Havre, France (November 2021).