collaborative project 2SN-LITIS, 2019-2021, Normandie Region

SmartFlow is a collaborative project between the LITIS laboratory and the company 2SN, supported by the Normandy region for the period 2019-2021.
This project aims at researching and testing a secure and legal solution that automates the processing of a transport order (quotation, placing the order, ECMR edition, acknowledgement of receipt and payment).
For LITIS and its permanent researchers involved (Claude Duvallet and Cyrille Bertelle):
- This project will allow the experimentation of the blockchain and “smart contract” concepts on an operational field with high stakes for the Normandy region.
- The knowledge gained will be used to enrich the teaching content of the courses.
- This project will lead to publications in scientific journals and conferences. It will help develop the visibility of Normandy University in the advanced technologies used in the logistics sector.
The deliverables concerning the applied research are :
- A synthesis of the main concepts of blockchain;
- A state of the art on the different existing blockchain platforms;
- A proof of concept implementation for secure document transfer.
Presentation of the solution developed on the 2SN website.