RIN scientific project, 2018-2021, Normandie Region

The MT2PM project (Modelling of Land Mobility of Maritime Passengers), which is being developed at the interface between digital technology and territorial development, responds to a need for information from local authorities and ports in Normandy concerning a better understanding of the movements (excursions, itineraries) of cruise passengers during port calls.
With reference to the sciences of complexity, it is now known that the great complexity of individual mobility choices, which are uncoordinated and contain an element of uncertainty, can nevertheless be translated into collective behaviour that is legible in the territory. The analysis of the land mobility of cruise passengers, known from geolocalised and anonymised mobile phone and social network traces, makes it possible to identify areas of interest and preferred destinations within the Normandy territory and beyond, particularly towards the Ile-de-France area.
The project is financed by the Normandy Region within the framework of the RIN (Norman Interest Networks) and the CTM(Land-Sea Continuum) training and research centre, for the period 2018-2021.
The scientific director is Françoise Lucchini. The context and issues are presented in this video.
The project involves 5 research laboratories: UMR CNRS IDEEES, LITIS, METIS, AMoS, LMI.
LITIS (Julien Baudry, Cyrille Bertelle) manages the databases and has produced antennas for capturing tweets, among other things.
The deliverables consist of geomatic visualisation applications for :
- Identify major destinations and points of interest in the area
- Estimate visitor flows from telephone users
- See the influence in the territory and the diffusion of visitors from the port of Le Havre
- Characterise the rhythms and temporalities of mobility
More information is available on the dedicated website.