RIN scientific project, 2021-2023, Normandie Region

The MOCUB project focuses on blockchain technology, which is based on a computer infrastructure that works with validators who contribute their computing power in exchange for a fee. The blockchain allows various uses, including the conclusion and execution of automated contracts. The multidisciplinary project (law, economics, IT) MOCUB aims to analyse these behaviours and derive an economic model for the modelling of simple and complex contracts on blockchain.
The project is financed for a period of 3 years by the Normandy region within the framework of the RIN (Norman Interest Networks) and the CTM training and research centres. (Land-Sea Continuum) and HCS, from autumn 2021.
The project is directed by Patrick Barban (CERMUD, University of Le Havre Normandie). It involves 3 research laboratories: CERMUD and LITIS of the University of Le Havre Normandie and CREAM of the University of Rouen Normandie. It also involves the PRSH federative structure of the University of Le Havre Normandie.