
ERDF scientific project, 2019-2022, Normandie Region

FuMa or “Future of goods: towards a glocal logistics chain”, is a research project in the field of logistics which aims to reflect on the transport of goods in the future, taking into account, among other things, the acceleration of world trade and the growing demands of consumers for greater traceability and products from short circuits.

This project is the object of the study of the following questions among others:

  • How to improve the logistics of short circuits to enable them to be efficient and profitable?
  • How to combine short and proximity circuits with global flows in order to offer them additional profitability?
  • How can confidence be built up between producers and consumers regarding goods?
  • How can the traceability of goods at different scales be achieved?
  • How can IoT and blockchain technologies be integrated?

In other words, we need to have a vision focused on the intelligence of the goods but also on the analysis of the vulnerability and robustness of these new logistic chains.

The project is financed by the Normandy Region within the framework of the RIN (Norman Interest Networks) and the CTM training and research cluster. (Land-Sea Continuum), for the period 2019-2022.

The scientific direction is ensured by Claude Duvallet (LITIS, University Le Havre Normandie) and Roland Condor (EM Normandie).

It involves 10 research structures in 6 institutions (EM Normandie, University Le Havre Normandie, ESIGELEC, IDIT, University Rouen Normandie, Neoma BS) on the three sites of Le Havre, Rouen and Caen: SFLog, LITIS, LMAH, GREAH, NIMEC, METIS, LMRS, IRSEEM, MOBIS, IDIT.