ANR scientific project, 2018-2022.

The Com2SiCa project (COMprendre et SImuler les COMportements humains sur des territoires en situation de CAtastrophe: de l’analyse à l’anticipation) aims to meet the major current challenges in the field of security and safety of populations, i.e. to make progress in our understanding and ability to anticipate human behaviour, both individual and collective, in the face of complex threats and disasters of all origins, by freeing ourselves from traditional compartmentalisation.
It has been financed since February 1st, 2018, for 42 months, by the ANR, the SGDSN, the DGA and the CNRS. It has been labelled by the SAFE Cluster.
It brings together researchers from the following laboratories:
- GeoAzur, CNRS UMR 7329, IRD, Université Côte d’Azur
- ESPACE, CNRS UMR 7300, Aix-Marseille University, Avignon University, Côte d’Azur University
- Geographie-cités, CNRS UMR 8504, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- LMAH, EA 3821 - FR CNRS 3335, University of Le Havre Normandie
- LPPL, UPRES EA 4638, Universities of Nantes and Angers
With a team of mathematicians and computer scientists from Le Havre, we are in charge of the modelling part of this project led by D. Provitolo from the UMR GéoAzur of Sophia Antipolis. This success follows a decade-long collaboration in the form of previous successes in PEPS and IDEX Côte d’Azur projects.
More information from project’s dedicated website#